Questions and Answers: PCR testing in Vienna: how it works from 1 April 2022?

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After the recent Corona regulation around restrictions on PCR tests, there is some confusion among the population. To remedy the situation: Here is the FAQ on all the rules that will apply to testing in Vienna from 1 April 2022.

Alles gurgelt” and test roads remain

 Regulation on free Corona tests

Anyone who lives in Vienna and has been used to regularly taking a prophylactic gargle test as part of “Alles gurgelt” to minimize their risk will have to change from 1 April 2022. The offer will no longer be available indefinitely but will be limited to five tests per month. Nevertheless, the new Corona regulation, which was only published at the last moment, leaves many questions unanswered.

How many can contingent PCR tests be carried out in the future?

In principle, all persons can perform five contingent PCR tests per month. In its ordinance, the federal government regulates that all persons who still have gargle test kits at home from March can exceptionally perform ten quota PCR tests in April. From May onwards, only five contingent PCR tests are possible.

What are the exceptions to the quota-based PCR tests?

In its ordinance, the federal government has defined various exceptions that are not subject to quotas and can be carried out free of charge for citizens. The corresponding decree has not yet been published. The reasons for exceptions will be precisely defined in it.

Furthermore, suspicious case clarifications in the case of COVID-specific symptoms and free testing from quarantine from the 5th day onwards will continue to be possible free of charge and without limit. Early free testing from quarantine can be carried out in Vienna from the 5th day (daily). If the PCR test is negative or positive but with a CT value of 30 or higher, one can leave quarantine early.

“Alles gurgelt”: How many kits do I get – and what if they are all used up? How many test kits will I get from Alles Gurgelt in the future?

From 1 April, you can pick up five gargle test kits once a month at all BIPA shops with your code from allesgurgelt. at. Then this personal code is canceled and can only be redeemed again in the following month. According to the federal regulation, those who still have gargle test kits from March at home can exceptionally carry out ten contingent PCR tests in April.

I have used up my quota. How do I get additional gargle test kits at Alles Gurgelt if there is a non-quota prime reason?

If, for example, you have used up all your quota of tests or acutely need a gargle test for one of the defined exceptional reasons, you can log in generally at After logging in, click on one of these great reasons and receive a personalized barcode for this one test. With this barcode, you can pick up a gargle test kit at a BIPA branch, perform it at home and then hand it in. There is no cost for the citizens for these tests.

Will the Vienna test lanes, gargle boxes, and sniffle checkboxes remain open from 1 April?

Yes. On the one hand, many people cannot gargle for medical reasons and still need a physical test. On the other hand, older citizens, in particular, have difficulties finding their way around online-only offers. They must continue to be able to find a broad and physical range of tests. They will continue to see this in Vienna.

I have COVID-specific symptoms. Where can I get tested?

The previous options for a COVID suspected case clarification remain valid. Those who have COVID-specific symptoms can use the following options:

  • One takes a test online at and indicates that this is for a suspected case clarification.
  • One can call 1450. There, a PCR test can be arranged within the framework of the telephone suspicion clarification. This is done via mobile home sampling, with bicycle messengers who bring the test kit home and take the sample away immediately after the test. However, it is also possible to arrange for a suspected case to be clarified at a test street.
  • In a Vienna test center or a PCR gargle box.
  • This can be done either in checkbox as part of the GP’s suspicion case clarification. In the checkbox, a rapid antigen test is carried out first. A follow-up PCR test is carried out on site if this is positive.

I do not have COVID-specific symptoms and would like to have a PCR test as part of an exceptional reason. Where can I be tested?

  • The previous physical testing options of the City of Vienna remain in place. Anyone who wants to carry out a PCR test due to an exceptional reason can use the following options:
  • One takes a test online at allesgurgelt and indicates that it is for one of the above-mentioned exceptional reasons. The procedure is described above.

In a Vienna test street or a PCR gargle box. One indicates on the spot that the PCR test is being carried out for one of the above-mentioned exceptional reasons.

Within the framework of these test offers, early free testing from quarantine can also be carried out from the 5th day (daily). If the PCR test is negative or positive but with a CT value of 30 or higher, one can leave quarantine early.

Will all test lanes, gurgle boxes, and snuff checkboxes remain fully open?

For the time being, yes. The situation will be evaluated and re-evaluated on an ongoing basis depending on the extent of future use. This will be done in April, depending on how well the population receives the services.

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